V.16 Поставьте специальные вопросы к предложениям с глаголом-сказуемым в форме Present Indefinite/Simple с данными вопросительными местоимениями:
1. Athletes take ice baths after competitions (why, when). 2. Elephants live only in
Africa and Asia (where, why). 3. Dolphins sleep along the surface of the water (how,
where, why). 4. Airlines usually have sales in January and February (when, why).
5. Cats usually stop growing at around 10 to 11 months (when, why). 6. Geese usually
fly in a V formation (how, why, where). 7. People often have headaches when it's bad
weather (when, where, why). 8. Leaves change colour and fall off the trees in autumn
(when, where, why). 9. Animals communicate without words (how, why). 10. We use
the Internet to communicate with people all over the world (how, why, where).

zhamiya0501 zhamiya0501    2   25.02.2021 12:03    50

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