Узнайте больше о предпочтениях своего партнера. попросите его/ ее о песне, фильме, тв- программе, специальной посуде и т.д. напишите диалог,на .

Kylp Kylp    2   14.07.2019 22:40    2

тоты2017 тоты2017  03.10.2020 04:20
- Hello! How are you? Can you tell anything about your personality?
- Hello! Thank you, I`m fine. Frankly speaking, it is very hard to talk about yourself. Do you have any specific question?

- Well, are you keen on listening to music? What is your favourite song?
- Yes, I like listening to music. However, I can not say that there is a certain song that realy appeals to me.

- You do have you favourite film, do not you?
- Yes, that`s true. My favourite film is Harry Potter. My family and I really admire it!

- According to the film, your favourite actor is Daniel Radcliffe, is not it?
- Hmm, it is a very interesting thought. In spite of my film preference, my favourite actor is not Daniel Radcliffe. It is Til Shvager. He is the only actor, whose performence deserves the Oscars!

- And the last question. What do you think is really essential for the humanity?
- To my mind, it depends on each person. However there is only one crucial requirement for everybody. Everyone should develop himself and keep his own unique!
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