Уже перевела,что делать дальше? task 2 translate the text. ruth evans began her career with disappointment. she did not do well in her end-of-school exams. so her first job was that of the office “dogsbody” (ишак). she did all the same, boring jobs that no one else wanted to do. she books rooms for meetings, shoed people the way to the right office, helped with the photocopying, checked the letters and ran round with messages. like most office workers in britain, ruth worked from 9 to 5 with an hour off for lunch. she looked doing a lot of different things, and she liked friendly atmosphere. but nobody wants to be the office “dogsbody” forever. ruth soon saw a chance. she applied for a job in a new community scheme and she got it. ruth was lucky to get a safe job and training. every week she had a day off to go to college. so far, she had done courses in accounting, business organizations and social services. and she started to work in the social services department. she dealt directly with the people whose problems brought them in to ask for help: the unemployed, the old, the sick and homeless. a) find the english equivalents in the text for the following. мелкие поручения, профессиональное обучение, подавать заявление на работу, посещать колледж, выпускные экзамены, карьера, плохо сдать экзамены, прослушать курсы по бухгалтерскому учету, иметь дело с кем-либо, регистрировать письма, заказывать помещения, социальная служба, скучная работа, разочарование b) true or false 1 ruth failed in her final exams. 2 she started to work as a secretary. 3 office “dogsbody” is a person doing all the small jobs in the office. 4 ruth worked nine hours a day. 5 she hated doing all those boring things. 6 ruth held meetings and wrote letters. 7 she wanted to be office “dogsbody” forever 8 ruth went to college in daytime and worked in the evening. 9 she went to the social services department to get some help. 10 she liked to work with people

inna2briginetsg inna2briginetsg    2   18.06.2019 12:30    31

milanaphenix milanaphenix  15.07.2020 07:03
A) iskat sootvetstviya v tekste (podavat zayavlenie na rabotu - to apply for a job).

B) verno (true) ili neverno (false) sleduushee:
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