Useful phrases

Task 3. Complete each phrase with one word in the right form.

1 ‘The Quiet American’ by Graham Greene …….. the story of a British reporter in Vietnam.

2 In 1975, ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ was………. into a film starring Jack Nicholson.

3 The novel ‘The Three Musketeers’ is……… in the seventeenth-century France.

4 Roman Polanski’s ‘The Pianist’ is …….. on a true story.

5 The action ………. place in Warsaw during World War II.

6 I’d recommend this film. It’s definitely…….. seeing.

7 Let’s check what’s ……. at the cinema today. Have you got the paper?

8 When I was nine years old, I……….. the part of Pumba in a school production of the ‘The Lion King’.

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