Use verbs from the cloud to complete the sentences. use each verb once. ​

Use verbs from the cloud to complete the sentences. use each verb once. ​

АнькаЦитрус АнькаЦитрус    3   15.09.2020 09:31    1

66ХОХ66 66ХОХ66  15.10.2020 21:47

1. I'm phoning TO TELL you there's an interesting programme on TV.

2. I'm phoning TO WISH you "Happy Navro'z".

3.I'm phoning TO GIVE you a message for Raisa.

4. I'm phoning TO INVITE you to a party on Saturday.

5. I'm phoning TO GET some help with my homework.

6. I'm phoning TO SAY hello and to find out all the news.

7. I'm phoning TO ASK/FIND OUT if you feel better.

8. I'm phoning TO FIND OUT/ASK if you are going to the party tonight.

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