Use the words with countable\uncountable nouns. (используйте нужные слова с исчисляемыми\неисчисляемыми существительными) 1. we haven’t got … notebooks. a) many b) a little c) a 2. there are … skirts to choose from. a) much b) a lot of c) little 3. sometimes i eat … cheese in the morning. a) a little b) a few c) many 4. can i drink … more coffee? a) a lot of b) some c) no 5. there is … milk in the fridge. a) many b) any c) some

Lika1639 Lika1639    2   22.05.2019 18:52    5

SkyForce144 SkyForce144  18.06.2020 11:01
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