Use the words to write sentences with be going to. 1 we / campaign / for PETA

2 what film / girls / see?

3 Emma / boycott the circus?

4 I / not sponsor / your campaign

5 when / Brian and Karen / organize / the protest?

6 they / not sign / our petition

Task 2

Use the words to write sentences and questions with the correct form of will or be going to.

1 you / join in / protest march / tomorrow / ?

2 if / sign up / newsletter / you / receive / information / future campaigns

3 where / we / go / if / council / close / youth club

4 there / not be / meeting / tonight / because / organizer / ill

5 climate change / wipe out / many species / in the next few decades

6 the world / definitely / run out / fossil fuels​

inesssa444 inesssa444    1   13.04.2021 21:00    10

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