Use the word in brackets to form a word that fits in the gap pythagoras was a 15) (philosophy) born on the aegean island of samos. he was known as a great 16) (mathematics) who has received 17) (admire) for over 2000 years. as a young man he travelled a lot and was 18) (great) influenced by some 19) (remark) ideas he came across in egypt and babylon. over time, he made 20) (extend) mathematical 21) (investigate) , which included "pythagoras' theorem" , a great 22) (discover) stating that the square of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares. in 23) (add), pythagoras was one of the earliest 24) (science) to suggest that the earth was a sphere 25) (revolve) around a central fire. without doubt, his 26) (contribute) to the scientific world will always be acknowledged.

2001maks44 2001maks44    2   30.09.2019 20:30    38

Алена1563795 Алена1563795  03.05.2020 05:02

15. philosopher

16. mathematician

17. admiration

18. я не знаю

19. remarkable

20. extended

21. investigation

22. discovery

23. addition

24. scientist

25. revolved

26. contribution

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