Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits each space 1) is a great website (education) 2)this teacher taught us a lot about (conserve) 3) my father works as a (report) 4)there was a big in the city center today. (demonstrate)

дима55922 дима55922    2   14.09.2019 17:50    5

macsimys1 macsimys1  04.08.2020 08:18
1. This teacher taught us a lot about conservation. (Этот учитель многому нас научил о сохранении). 2. LEARN.COM is a great educational website. (LEARN.COM - отличный образовательный вебсайт). 3. My father works as a reporter. (Мой папа работает журналистом.)4. There was a big demonstration in the city centre today. (В центре города сегодня была большая демонстрация)
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