Use the where necessary ( Используй артикль, где необходимо)
1) Ural Mountains are in ___ Siberia.
2) ___ Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
3) Europe is not a very big continent.
4) Mississippi is a river in ___ USA.
5) ___ London is the capital of Great Britain.

Task 2 Use the necessary forms of the verbs. ( Выбери нужную форму)
I (watched / was watching) the film when my parents
( came/were coming) in.
She (had/was having) tea at 5 o’clock yesterday.
When the storm (began/was beginning) , Polly (left/ was leaving) the theatre.
While Bob (drove/ was driving) home, it ( snowed/was snowing) hard.
George (thought/was thinking) it was difficult to learn English.

Task 3 Use the necessary forms of the verbs. ( Раскрой скобку, напиши глагол в нужной форме)
1. I (go) to the cinema yesterday.
2. I do) my homework when mother came home.
3. He (sleep) when father came home.
4. While mother (cook) dinner, I (do) my homework.
5. They (travel) about Europe last year.

Task 4 Write the plural of these words ( Образуй множественное число )

elk, mouse, deer, gallery, wife, woman, tooth, bench, box, child, class, shelf, ocean.
Task 5 Put in the words. 3 words are the odd ones. ( Вставь слово в текст, 3 слова - лишних)
plane East car country capital take visit Pacific important West
The city I want to most in Russia is Vladivostok. It is in the east of the near the Ocean. I live in Moscow and it will me 8 hours by to get to Vladivostok. But I am ready for such a long flight. I want to know my country and it is for me to see the Far . I hope this summer my dream will come true. I have already bought the plane tickets!

thesketchyoup081qt thesketchyoup081qt    2   15.05.2020 17:12    2

Космос1986 Космос1986  14.10.2020 20:11








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