Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense forms. 1. i him that i the book yet. (to tell, to read) 2. the weather bad yesterday, so we . (to be, not to goout) 3.mary at the blackboard now. she the teacher’s questions, (to stand, to answer) 4.i this task by five pm tomorrow,(to finish) five pm tomorrow 1 still this exercise, (to do) 6.if the film interesting, i it. (not to be, not to watch) that time yesterday he a letter to his mother, (to write) 8.he me if we the test the day before, (to ask, to have) 9. they football when their mother home, (to play, tocome) 10. she to college five days a week, (to go) ответы я знаю, но я не понимаю как они получаются.. обьясните как это делать.

фскорбин фскорбин    3   13.08.2019 21:20    12

magakhass magakhass  14.08.2020 13:46
1) I told him that i haven't read the mook yet;
2) was bad; didn't go out;
3) is standing; is answering;
4) will be finishing;
5) will be still doing;
6) won't be; i wouldn't;
7) was writing;
8) asked; had;
9) were playing; came;
10) go
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