Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense form. 1. Mexico (to receive) over thirty five million tourists last year
and over eighty percent of these visitors (to be) from Canada and
the United States.
2. This year, Mexico (to be) the eighth most popular tourist
destination in the world.
3. I usually (not / to get) much time for sightseeing, but sometimes
I (to love) going shopping in the markets.
4. We (to go) to Guatemala and southern Mexico and (to see)
lots of Mayan ruins a few years ago.
5. There (to be) heavy storms in Mexico City this week and these
are expected to continue today.
6. A: (you / check out) now, sir? – B: Yes, that’s right. Room four
three six.
7. There (to be) a call to the United Kingdom from your room
yesterday evening.
8. I have some information for you about the activities we (to organize)
for you this week.
9. Mexico (gradually / to develop) a modern tourist infrastructure.
10. (it / to rain) at the moment?

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