Use the verb “to be” in the correct form. 1. our work … completed next week. 2. we … students. 3. hard work … a guarantee of success. 4. the train … late yesterday. 5. he … not at home now. 6. which party … in power in great britain ten years ago? 7. my aim … to master two foreign languages. 8. our students … in london last year. 9. we … in moscow in two days. 10. soon this book … translated into english. 11. when i met my friend i … going to the crimea. 12. the students … in the reading hall before the lessons.

tazab705 tazab705    1   03.07.2019 05:10    10

amorfteriya amorfteriya  27.07.2020 08:25
1. Our work will be completed next week. 2. We are students. 3. Hard
work is a guarantee of success. 4. The train was late yesterday. 5. He is not at
home now. 6. Which party was in power in Great Britain ten years ago? 7. My
aim is to master two foreign languages. 8. Our students were in London last
year. 9. We will be in Moscow in two days. 10. Soon this book will be translated into
English. 11. When I met my friend I was going to the Crimea. 12. The
students are in the reading hall before the lessons.
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