Use the right of the verbs to comlete these sentences yesterday john (come) home late. he (make) a cup of hot tea, (drink) it and (go) to the swimming pool where he(swim) with his friend colin. at nine o'clock the friends (be) at the cafe. they (decide) to have supper. they (sit) down at the table. (make) an order and speak about their plans for the weekend

NcsON NcsON    3   10.08.2019 22:10    4

nastenka19832 nastenka19832  04.10.2020 10:08
Yesterday John came home late. Вчера Джон пришел домой поздно.
He made a cup of hot tea, drank it and went to the swimming pool where he swam with his friend Colin. Он Он приготовил чашку горячего чая ,выпил его и ушел плавать со своим другом Колином в басеин.
At 9 o'clock the friends were at the cafe. В 9 часов друзья были в кафе.
They decided to have supper. Они решили поужинать.
They sat down at the table , made an order and spoke about their plans for the weekend. Они уселись за стол. (или они сели за стол.) сделали заказ и говорили о планах на выходные.

Надеюсь все правильно.
Past Simple. простое время. в утвердительных предложениях основной глагол меняется . на неправильный глагол второй формы.

come came come
make made made
drink drank drunk
go went gone
swim swam swum
be was were been
sit sat sat
speak spoke spoken

глаголы которые правильные добавляется окончание ed.

decide decided