Use the prompts to complete the dialogue. f 45 , how can i help you? , how much is it? , what size are you? a: good morning, madam. b: i'm looking for a skirt, please. a: the skirts are here. b: i'm 12. i like this one. a: it's b: thanks. i'll take it.

qawsed123 qawsed123    2   27.06.2019 02:20    1

ressopli345 ressopli345  21.07.2020 17:48
A: Good morning, madam. How can I help you?
B: I'm looking for a skirt, please.
A: The skirts are here. What size are you?
B: I'm 12. I like this one. How much is it?
A: It's f 45.
B: Thanks. I'll take it.
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