Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple instead of the infinitives in brackets. 1. You (to write) a letter to your friend at last? - Yes, I (to have). - When you (to
write) it? - I (to write) it last night. - And why you (not to send))it yet? - I (to
leave) it at home in the morning, and I (to be) busy since I (to return) home.
2. Jane (to come) home? - Not yet. I am very anxious about her. When she (to
leave)? - She (to leave) home at 6 o'clock and she (to go) straight to the
dentist. - Don't worry. I am sure the doctor (to detain) her. - But it's 9
o'clock now, so she (to be) away from home for three hours already.
3. Look! What letter I just (to receive)from Mother. Anything (to happen)? -
Father (to fall) ill. - Ill again! He (to be) ill in September. - Yes. At first the
doctors (to say) it was the flu. But then he (to feel) worse and they (to take)
him to the hospital. Mother writes he (to be) ill for more than a week already.

sPHAgNUM1 sPHAgNUM1    2   19.02.2021 21:57    0

Farida1601 Farida1601  21.03.2021 22:58

Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. Have you (written) a letter to your friend at last? - Yes, I (have). - When did you ( write) it? - I (wrote) it last night. - And why haven't you sent it yet? - I (left) it at home in the morning, and I (have been) busy since I (returned) home.

2. Has Jane ( come) home? - Not yet. I am very anxious about her. When did she (leave)? - She ( left) home at 6 o'clock and she (went) straight to the dentist. - Don't worry. I am sure the doctor (has detained) her. - But it's 9 o'clock now, so she (has been) away from home for three hours already.

3. Look! What letter I have just (received) from Mother. Has anything (happened)?  - Father (has fallen) ill. - Ill again! He (was) ill in September. - Yes. At first the doctors (said) it was the flu. But then he ( felt) worse and they (took ) him to the hospital. Mother writes he (has been) ill for more than a week already.

lovevika3 lovevika3  21.03.2021 22:58


вот ответ все правильно

Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple instead of the infinitives in brackets. 1. You (to write)
Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple instead of the infinitives in brackets. 1. You (to write)
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