Use the present perfect continuous and for or since for each of the following situations. пример: my friend started reading an interesting book a month ago. he is still reading it. he has been reading the book since last month. e. carol's father began learning kazakh 7 month ago. he is still learning kazakh. for 7 months. f. dmitry started learning kazakh a year ago. he is still learning it. dmitry last year. g. our teacher began telling us a story about school children of britain at 3 o' clock. he's still telling us the story. it is interesting. it's now 3: 45. for 45 minutes.

Sveta11111111Love Sveta11111111Love    3   04.08.2019 12:40    0

galaxykill galaxykill  03.10.2020 21:56
E. He has been learning Kazakh for 7 months.
F. Dmitry has been learning Kazakh since last year.
G. He has been telling us the story for 45 minutes.
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