Use the present indefinite tense instead of the infinitives in brackets: (60)1. she's very clever. she (to speak) four languages. 2. water (to boil) at 100 degrees celsius. 3. i (to get up) at 7o' clock every morning. 4. excuse me, you (to speak) english? 5. tony (not/to read) newspaper in the evening. make up questions to which the words in bold type are answers: (60) 1. mrs. pratt is often il. 2. we usually have six lessons a day. 3. my job is very interesting. 4. we usually spend the summer in the south. 5. my mother is 40 years old

ОпятьДЗ ОпятьДЗ    2   30.10.2019 06:49    8

slava202011 slava202011  10.10.2020 10:16



3.get up


5.doesnt read

1. Is Mrs. Pratt often ill?

2. How many lessons do you usually have a day?

3. Is your job interesting?

4. Where do you usually spend your summer?

5. How old is your mother?

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