Use the definite article where necessary. Write down the sentences.
1. .. Aberdeen is a port in .. northeast Scotland and the centre of oil industry in... North Sea. 2. The central area and the highest point in the ancient Greek city of ... Athens is ... Acropolis. 3. The longest river of the world is ... Nile, and .. Amazon is the second largest river. Their rival is, of course, ... Mississippi, the longest river of ... USA, that starts in ... Big Ben striking is well known to Rocky Mountains. 4. The sound of ... all people in ... Britain. 5. The highest peak of ... British Isles is ... Ben Nevis, situated in ... Grampian Mountains of ... Scotland. 6. ... Cambrian Mountains are a group of mountains running from North to South across the middle of called ... Wales. 7. The building where ... US Congress meets is Capitol Hill. 8. ... Statue of Liberty ... Capitol as it is situated on ... on ... Liberty Island in ... New York harbour is a statue of a woman hold- ing a torch. It represents freedom and was given to ... USA by in 1884 to celebrate ... American and French revolutions. 9. ... Lake Superior is the largest of ... Great Lakes on the border between France ... Canada Erie and Trafalgar Square is the natural centre of London where sey- Charing Cross Road. It is and ... USA. The other four are ... Michigan, ... Huron, ... ... Ontario. 10. ... eral streets meet including Pall Mall and ... ... Red Square in ... Moscow.

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