Use the correct present or past form.
1. the train could not stop because it (to travel) too fast at the time.

2. my brother (to teach) french. he is a very experienced teacher. he (to teach) french for fifteen years.

3. why you always (to come) late?

4. when i (to call) for my friend, his sister (to tell) me that he (to leave) half an hour before.

5. i (to shout) to him to stop, but he (to run) too fast and not (to hear).

6. you (understand) what he (say)?

7. large crowds (to wait) at the station when the delegation (to arrive).

8. i (to know) peter well. we (to know) each other since childhood.

9. we (have) a very important meeting tomorrow.

Velievtim2000 Velievtim2000    1   19.12.2019 03:54    0

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