Use the appropriate passive forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. 1. W a i t e r: Can I help you, sir?
Customer: We [already serve] ... , thank you.
2. — The Robinsons are having a party on Saturday. Are you going?
— I don't know if I [invite] ...
3. James is in the classroom. He [examine] ... in English Literature.
4. I don't think I will ever [pay] ... for the job I have done.
5. The document must [sign] ... not later than Monday.
6. The doctor said the child [badly hurt] ... in the accident.
7. When I came back to the studio, Lady Campbell [still interview] ... . I was surprised an interview could take so much time.
8. I didn't realize the window [break] ...
9. — That's a nice armchair.
— Yes, it's very old. It [give] ... to me by my great-grandparents.
10. His new novel [not publish] ... yet.

dobrotina90 dobrotina90    2   14.01.2022 01:39    0

penny2912p0bvxj penny2912p0bvxj  14.01.2022 01:40

1. W a i t e r: Can I help you, sir?

Customer: We are already being served, thank you.

2. — The Robinsons are having a party on Saturday. Are you going?

— I don't know if I am invited

3. James is in the classroom. He is being examined in English Literature.

4. I don't think I will ever be paid for the job I have done.

5. The document must be signed not later than Monday.

6. The doctor said the child had been badly hurt in the accident.

7. When I came back to the studio, Lady Campbell was still being interviewed. I was surprised an interview could take so much time.

8. I didn't realize the window was broken

9. — That's a nice armchair.

— Yes, it's very old. It was given to me by my great-grandparents.

10. His new novel has not been published yet.


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