Use the adverbs of frequency in the box as well as the prompts below to ask and
answer questions.
• usually • often • sometimes
• always • usually •
• never
How often ...
• do the shopping? • watch a DVD?
• go jogging? • work on your computer?

Use the adverbs of frequency in the box as well as the prompts below to ask and answer questions. •

незнайка1183 незнайка1183    1   02.03.2021 15:01    5

25409 25409  01.04.2021 15:03

Примеры ниже


- How often do you do the shopping?

- I do the shopping sometimes.

- How often do you watch a DVD?

- I never watch a DVD.

- How often does he go jogging?

- He always goes jogging.

- How often do you work on your computer?

- I usually work on my computer.

Другие вопросы по теме Английский язык