Use past indefinite or past perfect 1.1 never …………… (to see) any pictures by monet before i……….. (to visit) the hermitage. 2. at last he ………….(to have) a chance to go to london. 1 he long………….. (to dream) of visiting britain. 3. she ………….(to catch) a cold. she never …………(to catch) a cold before. 4. when i ……………(to graduate) from the university my elder brother …………(to work) at a foreign company for two years. 5. though she …………(to learn) the language only for two years she ……… speak) it fairly well. 6. he …………(to travel) to many countries and …………(to know) a lot of interesting facts about them. 7. yesterday i ……… find) the book i ……… look for) so long.

мальчуган2 мальчуган2    2   31.07.2019 01:20    10

qwertyuiop330 qwertyuiop330  19.08.2020 20:25

1. I had never seen any pictures by Monet before I visited the Hermitage. 2. At last, he had a chance to go to London. 1 He had  long dreamed of visiting Britain. 3. She caught  a cold. She had never caught a cold before. 4. When I graduated from the University, my elder brother had worked  at a foreign company for two years. 5. Though she had learnt the language only for two years she spoke it fairly well. 6. He had travelled to many countries and  knew a lot of interesting facts about them. 7. Yesterday I found the book I had looked for so long.

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