Use of English Task 3.

Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct form Past Simple or the Past Continues

1.It (be)evening. My wife (read) a book, and I(write) a letter. Suddenly the door opened,and my brother (come) in.

2. He (hurt) his leg while he (play) football.

3. While I (have) my breakfast, he ( do) his homework.

4. We ( work) in the library from three till five.

5. As l(come) here l (meet) your brother.

Use of English Task 3.Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct form Past Simple or the Pa

ДвоечникТочно ДвоечникТочно    3   10.03.2021 13:57    19

lizochkanaumov1 lizochkanaumov1  09.04.2021 13:58


1. was, was reading, was writting, came

2. hurted, was playing

3. was having, was doing

4. worked

5. came, met

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