Use: much or many 1. i don't eat mangoes. 2. he does not eat fish. 3. she ate so dessert that she is in bed today with a stomachache. 4. he had got so pairs of socks. 5. please don't put pepper on the meat. 6. there were too plates on the table. 7. i never eat bread with soup. 8. why did you eat so ice cream? 9. she wrote us not very letters from the country.

ксюш4 ксюш4    2   24.09.2019 02:30    4

chhfyf chhfyf  08.10.2020 13:56
Существительные исчисляемые, т.е которые могут стоять во множественном числе, то перед ними будет many, а перед неисчисляемыми, т.е которые не могут быть во мн.числе будет much. Например many books (в конце сущ. стоит окончание мн.числа -s, es); much water, much juice(sugar, milk, butter, coffee, fish, bread, desert, soup, ice-cream)
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