Use it is or there is / are in the following sentences. 1. … very wet today, … impossible to go out. 2. … a thick fog last week. … usually a lot of accidents in such bad weather. 3. … foolish to drive fast when … foggy or rainy. 4. … interesting to go sightseeing in any unknown city. 5. … a lot of places of interest in ancient towns of this country. 6. … time to go home, … a lot of work to do there. 7. … all sorts of stories about robin hood. 8. … a pity you can’t go with us. 9. … only one cigarette in the box. 10. … important to know the details.

Deyzer777 Deyzer777    2   01.06.2019 06:50    1

Пони2000 Пони2000  02.07.2020 13:49
1. It is very wet today, it is impossible to go out.
2. There was a thick fog last week. There are usually a lot of
3. It is foolish...  when it is
4. It is interesting
5. There are a lot of
6. It is time to go , there is a loy of work ...
7. There are all sorts of
8. It's a pity
9. There is only one
10. It is important to know
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