Use a collocation with make and a noun instead of the underlined words in each of these conversations. 1)-the bill says we`ve had three desserts. we only had two. -the waiter must have been mistaken. 2)-it`s so difficult. should i take the job or not? -i know it`s difficult. but you have to decide one way or the other. 3)-can you and brain come to dinner on saturday? -yes,we`ll have to arrange to get a babysitter, but it should be ok. 4)-did you hear about the air traffic controllers` strike in the usa? -yes.we had to change our travel itinerary because of it. 5)-can i have chips and rice with my lunch? -no,you have to choose,chips or rice,but not both. 6)-do you intend to speak at the meeting? -yes,i hope i can contribute to the debate.
1. The waiter has made a mistake.
2. But you should make a choiсe.
3. Yes, we'll make the arrangement and call a babysitter.
4. Yes. We made some changes in our travel
5. No, you must make your choice
6. Yes, I hope I can make the contribution to the debats.