Упскобки, употребляя глаголы в present simple, present perfect, present continuous, past simple, future simple. используйте активный и пассивный залог. the house build) in 2020. the boy (not to hear) the news yet. the brooks become) famous last year. money keep) in the bank. the parcel send) yesterday. i would like know) english very well. where road lead) to? look! the leaves fall). all the money spend) on clothes last week. the pie has gone! who eat) it?

рашад10 рашад10    2   07.10.2019 07:01    373

20736 20736  04.05.2020 14:19

1 will build

2 hadn't heard

3 became

4 is keeping

5 sent

7 to know

8 is

9 leading

10 are falling

11 has spent

12 is eating

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