Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуски предлогами. 1.Money affects the level … prices and the rate … economic growth.
2. Commodity money is based … valuable metals.
3. Many countries are … a fiat money system.
4. The most important function … the Federal Reserve System … the USA is to manage the supply … money and credit.
5. All commercial banks are required … law to be members … the Federal Reserve System.
6. The Federal Reserve System is administered … the Federal Reserve Board … Governors.
7. They are appointed … the President … 14-year term.
8. They are responsible … Congress.
9. The Governors are independent from … the Congress … the President

аннушка2935 аннушка2935    1   12.08.2021 12:07    22

karis1 karis1  11.09.2021 18:29

1. Money affects the price level and the pace of economic growth.

2. Commodity money is based on precious metals.

3. Many countries are using a fiat money system.

4. The most important function of the Federal Reserve System of the USA is to manage the supply of money and loans.

5. All commercial banks are required by law to be members of the Federal Reserve System.

6. The Federal Reserve System is administered by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

7. They are appointed by the President for a 14-year term.

8. They are responsible for the Congress.

9. Governors are independent from the Congress and the President.


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