Упражнение 5. Will / be going to

will — действия в будущем, которые мы не можем изменить, констатация фактов;

will — предсказание или предположение, основанное на собственном опыте или интуиции;

will — спонтанное решение, принятое в данный момент;

be going to — запланированное действие в ближайшем будущем: намерение, план.


1. It probably(not to rain) in Europe.

2. you(to come) to my house, please?

3. — Why have you got the flowers? — Because I(to visit) my teacher.

4. — I invite you to come to the party. — OK. I(to bring) my friend.

5. — I(to walk) the dog. — Wait a minute, and I(to come) with you.

6. I probably never(to learn) this poem.

7. I(to stop) smoking.

8. — Have you decided what to buy Alex for his birthday? — Yes, I (to buy) him a computer game.

9. I love drawing. I(to be) a fashion designer.

10. — How about going for a picnic at weekend? — That’s a good idea. I(to make) a cake.

11. — What presents do you think people(to give) you next Christmas? — I think my father(to give) me a book. Somebody(to give) me perfume. I don’t think anybody(to give) me a laptop.

12. — What fashion(to be) like in the year of 2000? — I’m sure people(not to wear) long dresses and suits. Clothes(to be) comfortable and simple.

13. Next century(to begin) on the 1st of January.

14. How long(to take) you to do the work?

15. John, (to do) me a favour?

16. Whenyou(to visit) your grandma? — Probably next year.​

qofepvcqj qofepvcqj    2   11.01.2021 18:03    3

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