Упражнение 4. Вставьте слова, подходящие по смыслу в тексте. варианты ответов:
(weather, back, time, diary, trip, took, resort, beach)

Last summer Nina's family made a 1)___
to the Black sea. They stayed three weeks at a hotel in
Sochi, a famous 2)___
The 3)___
wasn't rainy, it was sunny and warm In the morning
Nina and her brother swam a lot and made sandcastles on the 4)___
In the afternoon they did the
city and 5)___ a lot of pictures of its sights Nina wrote everything interesting in her 6)___
They had a wonderful 7)__
in Sochi and came 8)___
home fresh and happy

Dima890438 Dima890438    1   28.10.2020 16:57    0

Sanisle Sanisle  27.11.2020 16:58

1. trip

2. resort

3. weather

4. beach

5. took

6. diary

7. time

8. back

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