Упражнение 4 (тренировка, письменно). Раскройте скобки, употребляя герундий.
1. The teacher insisted on (send) those drawings to the art gallery.
2. He was good at (representing) nature.
3. She was sorry for (come) late to the theatre as she did not hear the overture.
4. The actor failed to show that he felt sorry for (be) rude, and looked very unnatural and comic.
5. The poor girl had no talent for (dance).
6. After (check) whether all the tourists had come back the guide went on (speak).
7. Excuse me for (break) the cup. – No! It was a unique cup! My grandfather designed it himself for my mother’s wedding!
8. She was proud of (win) the prize.
9. I don’t mind (send) it to the exhibition.
10. I objected to my mother (watch) me practicing before the competition.
11. She doesn’t feel like (go) to the museum, she’s not an art lover.
12. She never approved of her daughter (enter) ballet school.
13. She hates (be photographed) because she thinks that she doesn’t look beautiful on photos.

d2e0n0i5s d2e0n0i5s    1   12.04.2020 23:45    2

olesahshhahas olesahshhahas  13.10.2020 03:18

ответ: 1)sending 2)representing 3)coming 4)being 5)dancing 6)checking 7)breaking 8)winning 9)sending 10)watching 11)going 12)entering 13)being photographed


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