Упражнение 233 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfecг.
1. Tom (to return) from the cinema at five o'clock. 2. Tom (to return) from the cinema by five
o'clock. 3. I to finish) my homework at seven o'clock. 4. 1 (to finish) my homework by seven
o'clock. 5. He to think) that he (to lose) the money. 6. Ann (to tell me that she (to see) an
interesting film 7. When I (to come) home, mother already to cook) dinner. 8. When father.
(10 return) from work, we already (to do) our homework. 9. When the teacher (to enter the
classroom the pupils already to open) their books. 10. Kate (to give) me the book which she (to
buy) the day before. 11. Nick (to show) the teacher the picture which he (to draw). 12. The boy
(to give) the goats the grass which he (to bring) from the field. 13. Mother to see that Nick (not
to wash) his hands. 14. The teacher to understand) that Lena (not to do) her homework 15. 1 (to
know) that my friend (not yet to come). 16. When I (to wake) up yesterday, father already to go)
to work. 17. Nick (to think) that his father (not yet to come) home. 18. Mary (to tell us that she
(to cook) a good dinner. 19. Yesterday I (to find the book which I (to lose) in summer. 20.When

karkavina85 karkavina85    2   17.11.2020 21:49    2

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