Упражнение 233. Как Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present
Perfect unu Past Simple.
1. Last night I (to feel) tired and (to go) to bed
very early. 2. Where you (to spend) your holidays?
3. You ever (to spend) your holidays in the Crimea?
4. While travelling in the Crimea, I (to meet) your
friend. 5. I never (to visit) that place. 6. He (to visit)
that place last year. 7. I just to get) a letter from
Tom. 8. You (to take) any photographs while travel-
ling in the south? 9. He (to be) abroad five years ago.
10. You (to be) in the Caucasus last year? 11. They
(to leave) England when he (to be) still a child.
12. He (not yet to come) back. 13. He (to go) already?
14. When you (to see) him last? 15. I (not to see) him
for ages. 16. His health (to improve) greatly since
I (to see) him last. 17. You (to pass) your driving test
yet? Yes, I (to pass) it in May, but I (not to buy)
a car yet. 18. He already (to move). He (to find)
a nice flat last Christmas and he (to be) there a year

тимур615 тимур615    3   05.01.2021 10:20    11

AlenaRayskaya AlenaRayskaya  05.01.2021 10:30

1. Last night I felt tired and went to bed  very early.

2. Where have you spent your holidays?

3. Have you ever spent your holidays in the Crimea?

4. While travelling in the Crimea, I met your  friend.

5. I have never visited that place.

6. He visited  that place last year.

7. I have just got a letter from  Tom.

8. Did you took any photographs while travelling in the south?

9. He was abroad five years ago.

10. Were you in the Caucasus last year?

11. They  left England when he still  was a child.

12. He hasn't came back yet.

13. Has he gone already?

14. When did you saw him last?

15. I haven't seen him  for ages.

16. His health improved greatly since  I saw him last.

17. Have you pass your driving test  yet? Yes, I passed it in May, but I haven't bought a car yet.

18. He has already moved.  He found

a nice flat last Christmas and he has been there for  a year



Present Perfect используется, когда важен результат или описывается опыт.

Present Simple используется, когда важно время, когда было исполнено действие.

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