Упражнение 21. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Fu- ture Indefinite.
1. 1 _ (be) twenty-eight tomorrow.
2. I think it .. (rain) heavily soon.
3. (you, bring) me my socks, please?
4. Your train ... (arrive) there at 6 a.m. tomorrow.
5. What ... (I do) about it?
6. You ... (get) a good caning, you rascal.
7. Who ... (lend) me a pound?
8. "The enemy - (not, pass)," swore the soldiers.
9. I _ (repay) it next week.
10. I .. (do) it whether they like it or not.
11. You ... (do) it, even if you loathe doing it.
12. I.. (meet) you here at seven o'clock tomorrow.
13. What ... (we, do) to save our souls?
14. ... (1, bring) you a cup of coffee?
15. What do you think Father ... (say) to that?
16. Do you know of anything that
at ... (cure) my
17. The swallows ... (fly) away at the end of the sum-
18. ... (you, never, learn) to behave properly?
19. What ... (I, do) with this old coat of yours?
20. "I ... (never, return) to this ungrateful land",
shouted the prophet.
21 When (you​

vladrake vladrake    1   17.05.2021 21:45    123

nector nector  26.12.2023 21:29
1. I will be twenty-eight tomorrow. (буду)

2. I think it will rain heavily soon. (будет)

3. Will you bring me my socks, please? (поможешь)

4. Your train will arrive there at 6 a.m. tomorrow. (прибудет)

5. What should I do about it? (сделаю)

6. You will get a good caning, you rascal. (получишь)

7. Who will lend me a pound? (одолжит)

8. "The enemy will not pass," swore the soldiers. (пройдет)

9. I will repay it next week. (верну)

10. I will do it whether they like it or not. (сделаю)

11. You will do it, even if you loathe doing it. (сделаешь)

12. I will meet you here at seven o'clock tomorrow. (встречусь)

13. What should we do to save our souls? (сделаем)

14. Shall I bring you a cup of coffee? (принесу)

15. What do you think Father will say to that? (скажет)

16. Do you know of anything that will cure my warts? (вылечит)

17. The swallows will fly away at the end of the summer. (улетят)

18. Will you never learn to behave properly? (научишься)

19. What should I do with this old coat of yours? (сделаю)

20. "I will never return to this ungrateful land", shouted the prophet. (вернусь)

21. When will you come to visit us? (приедешь)

Данный ответ содержит глаголы в будущем времени, которое обозначается использованием модального глагола "will" + основная форма глагола. Модальный глагол "will" употребляется для выражения действий, произойдущих в будущем или действий, которые будут зависеть от других условий. В каждом предложении объяснено, почему именно используется будущее неопределенное время.
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