Упражнение 2. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке (письменно) 1. won’t/ I/ in / sea / next / swim / summer/ the. 2. read/ you/ this /won’t/ tomorrow / book. 3. he/pictures/will/take/tomorrow? 4. this song/ week /he/ sing/ will/ next. 5. will/ go/ Great Britain/ we/ in 2016/ to. 6. they/ dance/won’t/well. 7. Mike/will /summer / next / train/ by /travel?

Anastas1ya1 Anastas1ya1    1   29.04.2020 12:45    0

тата246 тата246  14.10.2020 02:30

I won't swim in the sea next summer.

You won't read this book tomorrow.

Will he take pictures tomorrow?

He will sing this song next week.

We will go to Great Britain in 2016.

They won't dance well.

Will Mike travel by train next summer?


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