Упражнение 1. Will vs be going to. Поставь правильной вариант и переведи. will - спонтанное решение, принятое в данный момент; be going to - запланированное действие ближайшем будущем: намерение, план. 3. It's Julia's birthday today. She's bought much food. She (cook) a lot. 4. - My bags are terribly heavy today. -- Really? I (give) you a lift. 5. - Do you know Kate's phone number? - I've bad memory for phone numbers, but I (look) for it in my notebook. 6. My uncle has bought bricks. He (build) a house in the country. Yes, he (buy) a car. 8. - Haven't you taken my key? I can't find it. Just a minute. I (look) for it. 9. - Jack didn't pass his exam yesterday. -- Oh, what he (do)? 10. -- There is somebody at the door. - open.​

MrZick33446 MrZick33446    3   02.05.2020 15:18    4

Aqvtttt Aqvtttt  14.10.2020 06:03



3 she is going to cook a lot

4 will give

5 will cook for

6 is going to

7 is buying

8 will cook

9 is he going to do

10 will open

1828384858 1828384858  14.10.2020 06:03

3 she is going to cook a lot

4 will give

5 will cook for

6 is going to

7 is buying

8 will cook

9 is he going to do

10 will open


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