Упражнение 1. Вставьте глагол be в Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple

1. My mother … a teacher. She … a student 5 years ago.

2. I … a student of a medical college. I … a doctor when I finish it.

3. I … at home today because it … a holiday. I … at home tomorrow, too.

4. How … you? … you still worried?

5. … you … happy if you get a lot of presents?

6. … your parents at work today? … they … at work tomorrow?

7. My sister … ill last week. She … not ill now.

8. Yesterday we … at the theatre. Tomorrow we … at the cinema.

9. Where … you yesterday? I … at the concert.

10. … your little brother in bed now? — Yes, he …

11. When my granny … young, she … a ballet dancer.

12. When I grow up, I …. be a musician.

gulzat2110 gulzat2110    2   16.05.2020 08:54    17

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