Упражнение 1. Повторите выражения определения. Найдите определения и переведите предложения. B. 1. Tell me about the report you are preparing now. 2. A new
radio set Ted has is a Zenith. 3. Ten hours of work a day is the
maximum you should do. 4. Do you know about the disco the Uni­
versity is organising? 5. The news we have heard this week is of
great importance. 6. You have been given all the information you
need. 7. I collected all the information I could find on the Internet
about this subject. 8. With the new system you will be able to gen­
erate statistics any time you want. 9. Writing letters and reports are
the purposes most people use computers for. 10. Composite mate­
rials we learnt about are the combination of metals, ceramics,
glasses and polymers produced without chemical reactions. 11.
Weightlessness the production of new materials depend on cannot
be created on the earth for a long period of time. 12. The TV sets
people saw at the New York Fair in 1939 were not available for a
long time because of World War II. 13. Metals, ceramics, glasses,
polymers composite materials consist of have properties different
from those of the obtained composite material.

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