Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect.
That's amazing! She
. (run) fif-
teen kilometers this morning!
Oh, no! I (lose) my money! My тum _ … (write) shopping list.
It's on the kitchen table.
Dad, you _ _ (eat) my biscuit! I'm tired. I
(watch) three
X-Files videos.
Hurry up! They … _ (start) the
Oh no! She _ (drop) the plate! These are my favourite trousers.
(have) them for five years.
Tom's my best friend. I
(know) him for three years.
Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы
в скобках в Present Perfect negative.
It's my birthday party today. I
(not invite) many people.
_ (not wash) his hands.
They're very dirty.
Mum's really angry. We _ … (not
tidy) our room!
I can't play with my friends this _ (not finish) my home-
evening. I work.
_ (not visit) New York for

selihanova selihanova    1   31.03.2022 17:54    11

Артем222211 Артем222211  25.01.2024 14:22
Упражнение 1:
1. That's amazing! She has run fifteen kilometers this morning! (Удивительно! Она пробежала пятнадцать километров сегодня утром!)
2. Oh, no! I have lost my money! My тum has written shopping list. (О нет! Я потерял деньги! Моя жена составила список покупок.)
3. It's on the kitchen table. (Он находится на кухонном столе.)
4. Dad, you have eaten my biscuit! I'm tired. I have watched three X-Files videos. (Папа, ты съел мое печенье! Я устал. Я посмотрел три видео X-Files.)
5. Hurry up! They have started the film! (Поторопись! Они начали фильм!)
6. Oh no! She has dropped the plate! These are my favourite trousers. I have had them for five years. (О нет! Она уронила тарелку! Это мои любимые брюки. У меня они уже пять лет.)
7. Tom's my best friend. I have known him for three years. (Том - мой лучший друг. Я знаю его уже три года.)

Упражнение 2:
1. It's my birthday party today. I haven't invited many people. (Сегодня у меня день рождения. Я не пригласил много людей.)
2. He hasn't washed his hands. They're very dirty. (Он не вымыл руки. Они очень грязные.)
3. Mum's really angry. We haven't tidied our room! (Мама очень злая. Мы не убрали свою комнату!)
4. I can't play with my friends this evening. I haven't finished my homework. (Я не могу играть с друзьями сегодня вечером. Я не закончил домашнюю работу.)
5. I haven't visited New York for a long time. (Я давно не посещал Нью-Йорк.)
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