Упр. 451. Образуйте условные предложения. 1. You did not ring me up, so I did not know you were in trouble. If ...2. You left the child alone in the room, so he hurt himself. If ...3. They spent a year in the tropics, so they got very sun-tanned. If ...4. It rained heavily, so we got drenched to the skin. If ...5. Why didn't you watch the cat? It ate all the fish. If ...6. A huge black cloud appeared from behind the forest, so we had to turn back and hurry home. If ...7. The travellers had no camera with them, so they could not take photos of the beautiful scenery. If .. 8. There was no sugar left, so we had to go to the shop late in the evening. If ...9. This house is very nice and comfortable, but it is not very good for living because it is situated close to a chemical plant and the air around is very bad. If ...10. He is an excellent specialist, but I cannot ask his advice because I am not acquainted with him. If ...11. You cannot enjoy this merry evening party because you have a toothache. If ...12. You know the material well enough, but you are very absent-minded, and that's why you always make many mistakes. If ...13. We shall not go to see them because it is very late. If ...14. Naturally she was angry, because you were in her way. If ...

MAN1337228 MAN1337228    1   27.11.2021 17:24    154

myzroman myzroman  10.01.2024 12:36
Упражнение 451. Образуйте условные предложения.

1. You did not ring me up, so I did not know you were in trouble.
If you had rung me up, I would have known you were in trouble.

Объяснение: В данном случае мы используем условное предложение третьего типа, так как речь идет о прошедшем времени. Если ты позвонил мне, то я бы знал, что тебе нужна помощь.

2. You left the child alone in the room, so he hurt himself.
If you had not left the child alone in the room, he would not have hurt himself.

Объяснение: В данном случае мы также используем условное предложение третьего типа. Если бы ты не оставил ребенка одного в комнате, то он не пострадал бы.

3. They spent a year in the tropics, so they got very sun-tanned.
If they had not spent a year in the tropics, they would not have gotten very sun-tanned.

Объяснение: И снова мы используем условное предложение третьего типа. Если бы они не провели год в тропиках, то они не получили бы сильного загара.

4. It rained heavily, so we got drenched to the skin.
If it had not rained heavily, we would not have gotten drenched to the skin.

Объяснение: Мы также используем условное предложение третьего типа. Если бы не так сильно идет дождь, то мы не промокли бы до нитки.

5. Why didn't you watch the cat? It ate all the fish.
If you had watched the cat, it would not have eaten all the fish.

Объяснение: В данном случае используется условное предложение третьего типа. Если бы ты наблюдал за кошкой, она бы не съела все рыбу.

6. A huge black cloud appeared from behind the forest, so we had to turn back and hurry home.
If a huge black cloud had not appeared from behind the forest, we would not have had to turn back and hurry home.

Объяснение: Мы используем условное предложение третьего типа. Если бы не появилось огромное черное облако из-за леса, мы бы не были вынуждены повернуть назад и спешить домой.

7. The travellers had no camera with them, so they could not take photos of the beautiful scenery.
If the travellers had had a camera with them, they could have taken photos of the beautiful scenery.

Объяснение: В данном случае используется условное предложение второго типа. Если бы у путешественников было фотоаппарат, то они могли бы сделать фотографии красивых пейзажей.

8. There was no sugar left, so we had to go to the shop late in the evening.
If there had been sugar left, we would not have had to go to the shop late in the evening.

Объяснение: Мы используем условное предложение третьего типа. Если бы остался сахар, нам не пришлось бы идти в магазин поздно вечером.

9. This house is very nice and comfortable, but it is not very good for living because it is situated close to a chemical plant and the air around is very bad.
If this house were not situated close to a chemical plant and the air around were not very bad, it would be a good place to live.

Объяснение: В данном случае мы используем условное предложение второго типа. Если бы этот дом не находился рядом с химическим заводом, и воздух не был бы очень плохим, это было бы хорошим местом для жизни.

10. He is an excellent specialist, but I cannot ask his advice because I am not acquainted with him.
If I were acquainted with him, I could ask his advice.

Объяснение: В данном случае мы используем условное предложение второго типа. Если бы я был знаком с ним, я мог бы попросить его совета.

11. You cannot enjoy this merry evening party because you have a toothache.
If you did not have a toothache, you could enjoy this merry evening party.

Объяснение: В данном случае используется условное предложение второго типа. Если бы у тебя не было зубной боли, ты мог бы насладиться этой веселой вечеринкой.

12. You know the material well enough, but you are very absent-minded, and that's why you always make many mistakes.
If you were not so absent-minded, you would not always make many mistakes even though you know the material well enough.

Объяснение: В данном случае мы используем условное предложение второго типа. Если бы ты не был такой рассеянный, ты не всегда делал бы много ошибок, несмотря на то, что знаешь материал достаточно хорошо.

13. We shall not go to see them because it is very late.
If it were not so late, we would go to see them.

Объяснение: Мы используем условное предложение третьего типа. Если бы не было так поздно, мы пошли бы навестить их.

14. Naturally she was angry because you were in her way.
If you had not been in her way, she would not have been angry.

Объяснение: В данном случае мы используем условное предложение третьего типа. Если бы ты не был на ее пути, она бы не была зла.
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