Упр. 13. Переделайте предложения, употребляя Present/Past Continuous Passive Voice.
1. She is watering the flowers now.
2. We are cooking soup now.
3. They were decorating the house at this time yesterday.
4. He was using the computer from 5 till 6 yesterday.
5. I was wearing a green dress yesterday.
6. They are carrying their bags now.
7. The students are discussing a new book now.
8. Sue was eating a cake at 8 o’clock yesterday.
9. I am typing a letter now.
10. Her mother was knitting a sweater at this time yesterday.

NovaRich NovaRich    2   15.03.2020 20:28    1

Youseee Youseee  23.08.2020 16:06

1. The flowers are being watered by her.

2. Soup is being cooked by us.

3. The house was being decorated at this time yesterday by them.

4. The computer was being used from 5 till 6 by him.

5. A green dress was being worn by me yesterday.

6. Their bags are being carried by them now.

7. A new book is being discussed by the students now.

8. A cake was being eaten by Sue at 8 o'clock yesterday.

9. A letter is being typed by me now.

10. A sweater was being knitted by her mother it this time yesterday.

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