Упр.1 Вставить (off, back, out, away) в пропущенные строки
• Two sandwiches , please.
• Shoes turned to be small, so I them to the shop.
• It’s too hot here. I think I'll the fur coat .
• There’s a party with celebrities. So I am you for the party.
Упр.2 Перевисти на англ яз и использовать present contonuos и simple
• Я хожу по магазинам уже 3 часа и очень устал.

• Я только что купил фотоаппарат.

• Я уже читал эту книгу, она очень интересная.

• Я читаю эту книгу с 3 часов.

ИльяМамедов2 ИльяМамедов2    2   19.04.2020 09:07    2

frashthefrash frashthefrash  13.10.2020 11:43


Two sandwiches to take away, please.

Shoes turned out to be small, so I took them back to the shop.

It's too hot here. I think I'll take the fur coat off.

There's a party with celebrities. So I am taking you out for the party.


I've already been doing the shopping for 3 hours and I'm very tired.

I've just bought a camera.

I've already read this book, it's very interesting.

I've been reading this book since three o'clock.

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