Упpaжнeниe 1. Packpoйтe ckoбkи, иcпoльзyя Complex Object: We expected (she, come) at 5. – We expected her to come at 5.
She expected (he/ clean) the house.
We heard (she/ praise) his new book.
I want (you/ call) me as soon as possible.
My teacher saw (I/ open) the dictionary.
His classmates considered (he/ be) a leader.
Mother made (he/turn off) the light.
I would like( you /help) me find my dog.
She wants (we / meet) in the park.
. Do you want (they, stay) at the hotel?
Would you like (I, show) you the sights of the city?
We expect (she, set) the table by the time we come.
They found (the lecture, be) boring.
I wish (my mother, buy) the dress by Saturday.
We considered (he, be) an honest person.
I know (he, learn) this poem by heart

vasilevamarin vasilevamarin    1   13.11.2020 09:45    8

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