Употребите в предложениях present perfect, выбрав правильный предлог (since или for). i've worked in the factory (for/since) 1970. he's been abroad (for/since) five years. i studied french (for/since) twelve years. i've known her (for/since) 1982. i've lived here (for/since) i was a child. we've been in paris (for/since) we were married. i've known them (for/since) years. поставьте глагол в скобках в форму future progressive or future simple 1. you've just missed the last train. never mind, i (walk) 2. i'll ring you tomorrow at six. no, don't ring at six, i ( 3.mother: your face is dirty. child: all right, i ( 4. will you have lunch with me on the 24th? i'd love to, but i'm afraid i ( exam then. 5. why did you take his rasor? he (look) for it everywhere tomorrow. 6. i hope you'll do well in the race tomorrow i ( of you. 7. i don't feel well enough to go to the station to meet him. i (meet) him for you. but how i ( him? he's small and fair, and he ( a black and white school cap. 8. you've left the light on. -oh, so i have. i ( and turn it off. 9. this time next monday i ( in a paris caf6 reading le figaro. -you (not you'll be looking at all the pretty girls. 10. - waiter, this plate is dirty. - i'm sorry, sir, i ( you another one.

викся1231 викся1231    3   28.03.2019 14:20    1

kuzmichkinvale kuzmichkinvale  27.05.2020 02:51


1.since 1970

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