Употребите прилагательные (наречия), данные в скобках, в нужной степени сравнения. 1 the moscow underground is the (beautiful) in the world. 2. at the lesson you are not attentive enough. you should be (attentive). 3. the text in lesson 15 is (interesting) than this text. 4. your bag is much (heavy) than mine. 5. i like summer (well) of all. 6. in our group peter knows english (well) of all. 7. i have (much) work than you have; therefore i have (little) free time than you. 8.. i get up early, and my sister gets up (early). 9. this exercise is the (difficult) in the book. 10. i live far from my office, but my friend lives (far).

VaneK12354 VaneK12354    2   18.08.2019 05:30    6

gonelep0bt6w gonelep0bt6w  05.10.2020 02:16
1 The Moscow underground is the (most beautiful) in the world.
2. At the lesson you are not attentive enough. You should be (more attentive).
3. The text in Lesson 15 is (more interesting) than this text.
4. Your bag is much (heavier) than mine.
5. I like summer (best) of all.
6. In our group Peter knows English (best) of all.
7. I have (more) work than you have; therefore I have (less) free time than you.
8. I get up early, and my sister gets up (earlier).
9. This exercise is the (most difficult) in the book.
10. I live far from my office, but my friend lives (farther).
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