Употребите прилагательное или наречие в нужной степени :

1) He is a (better) student in the group.

2) The (more), the (better)!

3) Kostroma is the (ancienter) town.

4) He looks (most younger).

5) He is (older) son in the family.

6) Do this work (farther)!
5. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужном времени

1) I to (called) Peter late yesterday.
2) She (to play) the violin.
3) Mark already to (comed) home.
4) What he (would to do) at the moment?
5) Helen (will to have) supper before I to arriving .
6) He (will to buy) this car by Monday.

КоТоФеЙкА03 КоТоФеЙкА03    1   30.05.2020 15:56    6

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