Употребите правильные формы глагола to be в оборотах there is/ there are. 1) there …some chairs in the room. 3) there …three books and a pen here. 2) there … an apple on the plate. 4) there … a book and three pen on the deck.

Ннггген1113 Ннггген1113    2   17.07.2019 22:10    3

kapysta123 kapysta123  03.10.2020 06:40
1) There are some chairs in the room. 3) There are three books and a pen here. 2) There is an apple on the plate. 4) There is a book and three pens on the deck.
аниметян3 аниметян3  03.10.2020 06:40
1)There are 2)there is 3)there are 4)there is
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