Употребите правильную форму причастия настоящего и времени и переведите предложения на язык. 1. the water … in the reactor is delivered into the heat exchanger tubes. a) heating; b) heated; c) having heated 2. edison was neither the first nor the only person … to invent an incandescent electric lamp. a) trying; b) having tried; c) having been tried 3. a voltmeter is a device … the potential difference between any two points in a circuit. a) measured; b) being measured; c) measuring 4. the voltmeter is … in parallel with that part of the circuit where the voltage is to be measured. a) placing; b) having placed; c) placed 5. the longer the rheostat wire … in the circuit, the greater is the resistance. a) used; b) having used; c) using 6. the plates of a variable capacitor … , its capacity changes. a) moving; b) moved; c) having been moved 7. … to a voltage source, an insulator stores electric charge. a) connecting; b) having connected; c) being connected 8. the main components of any circuit are devices … and utilizing electric energy. a) being produced; b) producing; c) having produced 9. electric power is … from power sources to loads by electric wires. a) delivered; b) delivering; c) having deliverd 10. … the faults the lineman immediately repaired the transformer. a) having been detected; b) having detected; c) detecting

bogdanoleksenkozo87a bogdanoleksenkozo87a    2   07.10.2019 01:00    14

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