Употребите нужный предлог.
With – используем, когда хотим сказать, с чего выполняется действие
By – используем, когда хотим сказать, кем выполняется действие

This book was written … M.Twain.
This texts were translated … pupils.
The cheese was cut … knife … my mother.
The club was created … three brothers.
This dollhouse was made … a lot of instruments.

dashkin21 dashkin21    3   16.04.2020 18:24    0

Sovergon233 Sovergon233  03.08.2020 16:45

1.This book was written by M.Twain.

2.This texts were translated with pupils.

2.The cheese was cut with knife by my mother.

3.The club was created by three brothers.

4.This dollhouse was made  with a lot of instruments.

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